
Read stories of enterprises embarking on workplace learning – their challenges and achievements.

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Murata Electronics Singapore

Advancing the learning experience beyond the classroom through synchronous learning


The relevance of synchronous learning took on a heightened significance in today’s landscape. Following the wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has further accelerated the redundancy of traditional face-to-face classroom training.

Though the pandemic has restricted classroom training, such training has also been proven to be ineffective in providing the learning experience employees are looking for today. This is especially so when employees not only want a more engaging and modern learning experience that incorporates tech-tools (i.e., videos, podcasts, and other forms of digital content), but also a training experience that is available for them on demand, where they can pursue learning in their free time and at their own pace.

At a Glance

For organisations operating globally, how can leaders ensure that employees are adequately trained, despite geographical boundaries and limitations in face-to-face interactions following the pandemic?

For Murata Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd (Murata Singapore), there was an inherent need to incorporate synchronous, tech-enabled learning and upskill its in-house trainers to be competent in conducting hybrid learning for existing and new employees at the organisation.

In pursuit of the above, Murata Singapore embarked on a workplace learning project with IAL’s Centre for Workplace Learning and Performance.

The relevance of incorporating technology into learning

The rise of remote and hybrid learning

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) can help improve education given that today’s learners are becoming increasingly tech-savvy.

Learners can learn at their own pace

Traditional classroom learning can sometimes make it difficult for learners to learn at their own pace.

Technology is necessary to succeed in the real world

To allow learners to learn effectively, learning aids have to be engaging enough to help them retain information. Gamification is an example to increase engagement and interactivity of learners.

Source: Blog Article by Mentimeter, titled “What is Technology Enhanced Learning?

Transforming the workforce through the NACE@IAL consultancy initiative

Through the NACE@IAL project, Murata Singapore sought to relook into its learning curriculum and transition learning beyond traditional means through the use of tech tools to shift learning online, and enhance the learning experience of its employees.

Read on to find out more about Murata Singapore’s transformation journey in detail below.

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Identifying existing performance gaps

To strengthen the competencies of its trainers within the organisation, the project team at Murata Singapore had to identify the performance gaps existing at the workplace. This involved the following activities:

  • Conducted skills gap analysis to determine the current state of competencies with regard to learning design, development and facilitation of synchronous e-learning and hybrid learning through interviews and surveys with key stakeholders
  • Facilitated internal capability development for competencies in learning design, development and facilitation of synchronous e-learning and hybrid learning.
    • This included having customised workshops targeted at developing the competencies of trainers to adopt the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework
    • Following the above, trainers had to demonstrate and apply the skills acquired through mentored performance in tasks relating to learning design, development, and facilitation

    • Integration of workplace learning interventions

      After the identification of gaps, the project team at Murata Singapore, together with IAL’s workplace learning consultant, worked together to co-develop and implement the following:

      • A Skills Gap Analysis Report focusing on learning design, development and facilitation of synchronous e-learning and hybrid learning
      • Customised workshops to equip the core team with capabilities to adopt the TPACK framework in designing, developing and facilitating synchronous e-learning and hybrid learning
      • Mentoring sessions for core team members to ensure effective application of skills to their tasks

      Scaling up on the workplace learning imperative

      At the end of the project with IAL CWLP, Murata Singapore was able to achieve the following outcomes:

      Successfully validated TPACK framework for the design, development, and facilitation of synchronous e-learning.

      Developed a competent and confident core team in designing, developing, facilitating synchronous e-learning as trainers rated themselves an average of 3.67 out of 5 after the project, in comparison to 3.13 before the project.

      A team of over 20 in-house trainers has benefited through the consultancy project.

      Materials and knowledge transfer from existing employees will benefit new trainers in the long run as well.

      The implementation of workplace learning interventions did not come easy, as the project team faced several challenges along the way. These challenges fall into two categories, mainly (1) people and (2) environment.

      (1) In-house trainers comprise of individuals from different departments, i.e., Human Resource (HR), Environmental Health Safety (EHS) and Engineering, it was a challenge trying to schedule a common timing to conduct the customised workshops for members in the core teams as they also had to fulfil their primary job functions.

      (2) The initial phase of the project had to come to a halt due to COVID-19 pandemic.

      To mitigate the above challenges, IAL’s workplace learning solutionist adopted a consultative approach in scheduling for customised workshops, pilot sessions and follow-up sessions with members of the core team. In addition, the workplace learning solutionist also initiated a series of short meetings over Zoom to reorganise and workaround the constraints in place. With the support of the core team, the progress of the project resumed back on track

      Ultimately, the journey to developing a skilled workforce would not have been made possible without the following factors as well:

      • Ample support from the management throughout the journey
      • Strong commitment from the Project Champion to liaise with the internal stakeholders and IAL’s workplace learning solutionist in facilitating and driving the project

      What's next for Murata Singapore

      As the NACE@IAL consultancy project with IAL’s CWLP focused on one of Murata Singapore’s three business priorities, the team is looking at the possible follow-ups.


      To establish a formal qualification system for in-house trainers and assessors from different departments


      To establish a concrete training evaluation model for all in-house and external training programmes as a means to uplift the quality of training programmes


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