
Read stories of enterprises embarking on workplace learning – their challenges and achievements.

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Ashtree International

Ashtree International

Redesigning roles at the workplace

At a Glance

Did you know? According to LinkedIn’s 2019 Workforce Learning Report, 94 percent of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested in helping them learn. It is no surprise that upskilling and reskilling are now mandatory in the new normal, as organisations find it essential to provide learning opportunities to its employees so that they are able to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape.

Embarking on a Workplace Transformation Journey
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To effectively ensure that its talents are given the opportunity to hone their skillsets, Ashtree International embarked on a workplace transformation journey with the aim of incorporating job re-design to upskill its workers, and develop a Training Academy within the enterprise that allows for adult learning and transference of knowledge whilst on the job.

Diagnosis of Performance Issues

In many workplaces, performance gaps exist due to employees failing to meet the basic requirements of a job – requirements that are based on the organisation’s expectations on results defined by its policy, objectives and culture. What should enterprises do to reduce the gaps in this case?

For Ashtree International, it is the identification of the root cause and remediation efforts. Through speaking with in-house subject matter experts, reviewing its existing services, encouraging its employees to attend WSQ Security courses, as well as determining the plausible valued-added services the enterprise could pursue, Ashtree Interntational recognised the need for consistent training of its security guards to excel in roles beyond just general security, but in aerodrome (i.e., airfield) security roles as well; and align them with the enterprise’s SOP and responsibilities.

Workplace transformation begins with you

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In order to emerge as a leader of Aviation and Maritime Markets in the world, and to ensure that guards are well-assimilated into their redesigned job role of security and aerodrome security, the following interventions were put in place with the aid of IAL’s learning specialist and CWLP to upskill its security guards:

  • Review current security standards
  • Co-conduct interviews and focus group sessions with subject matter experts to design a value-added skills framework
  • Co-design learning modules
  • Conduct developmental activities
  • Collect feedback from various stakeholders on the new learning modules and framework


As faced by numerous organisations, the pandemic brought about major inconveniences in the area of face-to-face training. While the provision of training and courses was best done on site as some activities needed more realism, for example, live demonstration of CPR and usage of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), covid restrictions made it impossible to do so. The project team had to improvise materials and courses with photos to allow employees to learn effectively.


The intended outcome set was to devise an effective framework for newly inducted officers to be familiar with not only the aspects of security taught by WSQ courses, but aviation security aspects as well. This additional knowledge will help the guards to excel in two fields – regular security roles, as well as aerodrome security roles.

At the end of the workplace transformation project, two security officers, who were newly inducted into Ashtree International, were put to the test to determine the effectiveness of the new framework and learning materials.

After going through a detailed briefing, the two officers were:

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Given 2 hours to read, clarify and understand their scope of work

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Tested via a panel question and answer session to demonstrate their understanding

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Allotted 5% for every correct answer given

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The passing criteria was set at 80% pass rate with the 20 questions

At the end of the test, both officers scored an astounding score of 90% on their test, thereby reflecting the effectiveness of the enhanced framework and new learning materials.

Business Tidbit

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By now, it is widely known that investing in your employees’ development pays off greatly in the long run, not only in talent retention, but also to help the enterprise save cost.

According to the US Department of Labour, it states that to replace an employee, it costs on average 33% of the new hire’s annual salary. If we take this into the context of an employee earning an annual salary of $33,000, the productivity loss could amount to $11,000 in training expenses.

In essence, by retaining and upskilling your employees, employers save costs and at the same time, allow employees to feel more motivated at work, especially when they are given the opportunity to grow. It is a win-win situation for both parties.